Contest Untuk Customer TheshopAblog

As token of appreciation, kina nak buat contest untuk semua customer theshopAblog..
Tak kisah kalau beli 3D Crest whitestrips ke, Medela Harmony Sealed ke, Felinna Inchloss ke..
Semua layak untuk masuk contest ni..

Caranya mudah sahaja!
1) Tulis testimoni tentang produk yang anda beli dari theshopAblog.
2) Format bebas! 

  • Boleh tag @theshopAblog di facebook, 
  • Boleh email kina.
  • Boleh sms kina (customer mesti ada no kina kan)
  • Boleh tulis di blog & linkkan theshopAblog.
3) Boleh hantar penyertaan sebanyak yang anda mahu.
4) Nanti kina akan printscreen so please let me know ye. 
5) 3 orang pemenang akan dipilih!

Hadiah: Wang tunai & ada la benda lain yang kina nak bagi..
Dateline: 25 Jan-25 Feb

Senang je kan? 
Yang belum jadi customer, kena jadi customer dulu kalau tak macam mana nak bagi testimoni kan..hehe

Love, TheshopAblog.



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I'm using all my products in this blogshop so don't hesitate to ask about my experience.

I'm not an authorized reseller for 3D Crest Whitestrips since I buy them from oversea based on demand so buy at your own discretion.

Just email me at for any inquiries..

Within 24 hours if there is no reply, kindly post a comment in this blog because your email might be lost in spam.. tq..